Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spotlight On: Electrical Torture Video Gaming: Mindwire V5

My Fellow Inmates,

Ok... You think Asylum has a Twisted Mind... Let me introduce you to the Mindwire V5...

Designed as a torture video game machine...

I think this could be fantastic, to have a boy bound, mummified, unable to do anything but watch... as I play a game... the wires trailing to their sensitive bits...

Begging I don't crash the car...

But Wait!! Does it work?

At first you think... nah, cant be more than just a tens box, can it... so I found a video that tested it... at first it looks like a dud...

And then... Just watch my pets...


With That, Visiting Time Is Over.

What Ever You Do Don't Scream Too Loud As Others Are Trying To Sleep.


1 comment:

  1. There's a few different products like this on the market. I know for sure there's a tactical vest and helmet for FPS games that basically punches you with sudden bursts of compressed air whenever/wherever you get shot or stabbed in the game. No idea how effective/strong it is though.
