Saturday, March 5, 2011

A New Addition To The Asylum: Mr. S Leather

My Fellow Inmates,

Asylum would like to welcome a new member to the Asylum: Mr. S. Leather

Wait... Mr. S. is now advertising on the Asylum Page?


But Why? Has Asylum Sold Out?

Well of course I have... You know that tattoo on my penis that you thought said "P.O." short for "Pissed Off"? Well it actually said "Property of Mr. S. Leather, if found please return to rightful owners, San Francisco California."

...Keep sucking it will appear, I promise... I am a grower not a shower...

Well at least that's what my Mom tells me...

No, lets shoot straight here and help you help me as it were. When you click through that banner to buy any toys from Mr S, you are basically giving me a toy kickback. Nice huh?

So is this going to net asylum all the toys he has ever wanted.... well, no... Not unless you plan on placing a $10,000.00 order with Mr. S... And if you are, you are just the person I want to talk to...

You see you must ask yourself now, why would I want to place a 10k order through Asylum's link rather than Through Ruff's Mr. S link on The RuffStuffBlog or through Sparky's link on the NoSafeWord Blog... Huh? Why?

Well let me tell you, for this I offer for you and you only... If you place that 10k order through Ruff's link will he blow you?... I will...

And if you place that 10k order through Sparky's link will he Suck your sweaty balls?... I shall...

You see the Asylum is a full service operation, and I am not beneath selling my soul for toys,,, shameless yes, but I want a pair of Mr S Bondage socks...

...But Asylum, you have enough toys already... posh, just communist propaganda, the damn Ruskies trying to hold the Gay man down is all that is...

So for today and today only (and any point in the future) If you click through my link for your 10k purchase I will preform any horrific sex act on you you wish...

Ever wanted a Flaming Gambini? ...Oh yes I will...

Howabout a Chocolate Squishy? ...Hand Me The Whipped Cream...

Perhaps a Deciduous Projectile Flaming Medusa?... Get out of the way, Dirty Sanchez, for Mamma you just Ain't seen nothin yet.

But wait! there's more!!!

For Asylum's Gone Crazy!!!

"Oh, No he di'int!!!"

If you place that 10k order through my link in the next 24 hours, I will offer me truly special services!

That's right! After you are done fucking that lamb, I shall cook it for you for dinner on my own George Forman grill!!

Let's see the other guys top that!!!

Oh yea, and shop early, shop often and all that Jazz...

With That, Visiting Time Is Over.

What Ever You Do Don't Scream Too Loud As Others Are Trying To Sleep.
