Sunday, February 27, 2011

So busy I almost forgot to Kink

My fellow inmates,

This last week I worked 25 hours of overtime....

Gak, just gak...

I got home yesterday so tired that my partner threw me in the rubber prison suit and the Heetkamp straightjacket vest, in the cage, and liberally applied restraints so I could take a nap...

Or so was the plan...

Except for he left vibrator in the cage with me...

I may have not been able to see or barely move, but a determined enough horny person can work magic. I did get my hands on the vibrator, and got myself all horned up...

Sleep was but a dream...

The vibrator was a trap. In our playroom if you cum without permission you better be ready for the consequences of your actions...

WetsuitJay thought this was pretty funny... Gah, I love that man :-)

So anyone who is keeping track or tabs shall notice that I didn't post yesterday... Yup I made 56 posts in a row before I faltered... But oh well...

This is going to be worth it.

Next weekend I buy the leather for the LeatherPanther bondage suit.

So I missed a post cause I was locked in a cage... I can think of worse reasons...

Life is good :-D

With that visiting time is over

Whatever you do, don't scream too loud as others are trying to sleep.


1 comment:

  1. Finding myself more and more drawn to your posts and feeling anxious as I read them.... thank you!
