My Fellow Inmates,
You know, back on December 31st, before I began my self ego masturbating daily posts, I wrote a post called "The road to hell", and in that post I promised that this year I would focus on community... what I wasn't expecting was that time to come so soon...
Sadly some asshole...*cough... deleted...*cough... the posting, and it was very well written I promise you. :D
The point doesn't change even though the post is no longer here... We have a need at the moment, and I ask you to hear me out... hell I'll even trade you content for it... *PBS Taught me well...
I Speak of ThunderRoo...
I shall be honest, I only learned of his plight yesterday when Xansteel tweeted that ThunderRoo's Twitter account had been deleted. I have never met the boy, nor have I ever heard of him before this point.
I asked "What happened?"
He Replied "His parents deleted it"...
At first I didn't think anything of this, I figured oh, Ok, 16 year old, parents caught him looking and chatting about stuff online that he had no business doing so at that age and cut him off, no big deal... only sadly I have come to find the issue is much deeper...
I'll re-paste this explanation of what happened from:
You can read the whole story there including the updates from the rescue from his parents.
"19 Year old Californian, ThunderRoo had been looking for a change in his life. Recently through contact with KaiWulf on Twitter, Roo was offered a job as a cable tech, made a commitment, bought a ticket and flew across the country to Atlanta GA to start a new life.
Before the jetlag had even worn off, ThunderRoo was contacted by his parents who indicated that his father was critically injured in an accident and was in the hospital. Red Flags went up for those who know the situation. But to get closure and ease his sense of guilt, ThunderRoo boarded a plane back to California.
When he arrived back, he found out he had been deceived. His parents lied to him and lured him back to keep him from venturing out on his own,
His phone was taken. His social accounts such as twitter were suspended.
At this point, the community knew something was going bad – real bad."
It appears upon his disappearance friends attempted to contact him only to have his mother tell them to leave her son alone...
Members of the community then actually went to his parents home, and removed him from there with the understanding if his parents didn't release him that the police would be involved since his was 19 years of age, and being held against his will...
I look at this in 2 ways. First, I have to feel bad for the kid if this story is true, and before I have furry wrath upon my head here, back off and understand I have to address this...
I prefer to see the good in people, and even though I don't know this boy I would rather assume that this bullshit is true, and the parents are assholes, that someone is feeling opportunistic with a good story which is so easy to do on the internet.
The bottom line here is this is a member of out community and shit like this sucks.
I have known boys who were basically incarcerated by their parents to keep them from venturing out to discover themselves, to be themselves...
I was lucky myself to have supportive parents... Well supportive after I beat them upside the head with a crowbar about who I was and my interests :)
I watched my ex, Jeff, call his Dad on fathers day, who lived in Savannah Georgia, just for a 5 minute call, to wish him happy fathers day, only to be ambushed in to a 90 minute conversation where scripture was being screamed at him.
We as gays are a small community, the furs are a percentage of that, the leather players are a smaller percentage of that, and the rubber guys even smaller... if this is a con, god help the people involved... If I get involved, and open my heart to a boy in need... Fucking god help the people involved...
So now that is said... Lets move on...
The problem with situations like this is not just the fact that here is a boy....
And yes a boy... ThunderRoo may be a fur, of who you may or may not relate to, but he is the same as you or I many years ago... he is 19 and wants to be who he feels he is inside... what would have happened if your parents said "we wont allow that"...
As I was saying, its just not the problem of here is a boy who has spent his savings flying back home to be duped by his parents, needing to be saved my friends...
It isn't just money here, there is serious emotional strain involved with bullshit like this, and I for one feel for him...
Here is what I suggest, and hear me out is all I ask. I want you to think back to the point of when you were in your mid to late teens and felt like you needed to be that person inside, and not the person people wanted you to be... we all crossed that bridge...
A lot of us did have people fucking with us at that age... yet not a lot of us found our selves stranded....
ThunderRoo just needs to get his way back from California to Atlanta...
I just looked at the fund for him and its up to $480.00. We don't need to make him rich, that's not what I am asking. Lets get him out of a bad situation, once he is back in Atlanta, then he is on his own in life...
I know how many people read this blog. If each and every one of us sent a dollar. Then he would have way too much money...
Someone asked me "Yeah, but do you know him?"
Its easy to be cynical... its hard to be trusting, if this was you in a situation like this, you would be thankful for anyone that offered up even a dollar.
So I'll Tell you what... Make me a deal. Skip that Starbucks this morning, have a cup of drip coffee and send the small amount you would have sent. You can have your Starbucks tomorrow, and a boy can go back to his friends...
Sometimes all it takes is a few people to care to make a big difference in a boy's life...
(The Donation Link has been deleted as $580.00 was donated to the cause, and I am guessing he doesn't need more. I wish to thank anyone that decided to help out with this situation)
So with that said... I promised I would offer up content for your donation to this good cause... so here it is....
Lets put this to bed now. We are a small community, we all deserve a fair break... You may have had it easy, Lets help out one that isn't...
With That, Visiting Time Is Over.
What Ever You Do Don't Scream Too Loud As Others Are Trying To Sleep.