My Fellow Inmates...
(The Following snippet is from 4/24)
At the moment I sit here and wait for Nikolai to arrive. A 21 year old newbie rubber boy/furry, and though his furry side intrigues me... Its the rubberboy I look forward to attackin... uh, meeting :)
I find that this is always a good way to start a weekend. Except for the fact that I told him to be here at 11:00am, and Jay doesn't get home from work til 5-6pm... and wants to meet him...
Hopefully the boy doesn't have any plans, and we can keep him incarcerated all day... But hey, he is 21, they can cum 7-10 times right? Oh, to be that age again :)
So he showed up while I was blogging, surprisingly enough he was a hard cum, who would have thought. At that age you even looked at my dick with me bound in rubber I would have made a ungodly mess.
That was very much my expectation.
Do not get me wrong, we had a very good time as I discovered that anything that moved fast on his cock made him very sensitive, though the menthol I put on his dick before adding the Venus may not have helped any (EVIL GRIN)
This was an exploratory scene with a new boy, looking for limits of which I didn't scratch on this one...
I really look forward to his return.
As for more Current news, I Just Learned I shall be at IML This year. I am looking forward to it. I should be fairly easy to spot though, just look for the boy in tow in the Aquala suit :)
With That Visiting Time is over.
Take Care, and Whatever you do don't scream too loud, as others are trying to sleep.