Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spotlight on... Do It Yourself Rubber Clothing: "MJTrends"

My Fellow Inmates,

Asylum usually works for him self, you scratch my back I scratch yours, I add a link to your site and I expect you do the same think kind of thing...

Its just good business...

That is until it came time to talk about MJTrends:

They Sell:

  • Latex
  • Stretch PVC
  • PVC
  • Spandex
  • Faux Fur
  • and more...
Now the awesome thing about MJTrends is that not only will they sell you the latex... but they also help you create your gear with their own video tutorials:

...And Much Much More...

Now all of this is Basic information if you already work with latex and other fabrics that their tutorials cover.... But if not this is a great resource...

With That, Visiting Time Is Over.

What Ever You Do Don't Scream Too Loud As Others Are Trying To Sleep.


The Punnishments Of An Adult Blogger

My Fellow Inmates,

...Lube free even...

Yes, the torments... :-)

I came here today to update you all on the status of the weight loss that I began a week ago, with Leatherpan.... you know what? I talk about him so much, I am sure people are sick and tired of hearing about him. So for now on he shall be known as "He Who Should Not Be Named" :-P

So yes, the diet... In one week, I lost... wait for it... 7 pounds...

Yes, I know... water weight...

Yes, I know... Its not healthy to lose that much at once...

Yes, I know... you secretly want the diet :-)

We as fags are narcissistic, why not...

No, one must understand the sheer changes my body is enduring here. I work in a chair 8 hours a day, now I walk 3 miles a day on my lunch break.

I have cut out all fried food, which was a daily staple for me...

I have cut out all alcohol... all alcahol... and that was a... well lets just say it was a lot :)

All sodas and non water or unsweetened Juice... gone...

In one feel swoop I have singlehandedly cut out 1000's of calories a day and lots of fat... and this is only the first week...

From 236 to 229...

The next update is next Tuesday... I have dynamite ready for those damn plateaus :-)

So then... what was this about punishments to adult bloggers?

Oh yes, as of Sunday anyone on the Blogspot system that has an adult blog has seen a glitch that stops counting the traffic through the site... just the adult bloggers. This affects Google Analytics as well.

So with that said, I have removed the total page views count from this page since it stopped in its tracks... and I shall just have to have faith that people are reading what I have to say...

Though if you are not, it wont be the first time I have been known to talk to my self just so I could have company...

"Would you like some more teas, Asylum?"

"Oh, I would love some more, Asylum, Thank you."

"Oh, No, Thank you..."

"You are too kind.."

"No, No... You are..."



With That, Visiting Time Is Over.

What Ever You Do Don't Scream Too Loud As Others Are Trying To Sleep.
