My Fellow Inmates,
In the past week, all has been quiet on this western front.
Ok, well to an extent.
Last Sunday, May 2nd, my Grandmother passed on. Now before anyone feels too bad upon reading this, allow me to justify the reason I even mention this...
We as humans are a sweltering pile of daft ass prats who are unable too see the world beyond the beautiful view that is the tips of our own noses...
Now before the fanblades start dripping fecal matter, let's make one thing clear... I am an egotistical son of a bitch, I know it, others know it, so why mince words...
Perhaps it's because I first discovered ego in my early 20's, before my looks faded, when my former master made me thin and muscular on pain of... Well pain. Or perhaps I was toilet trained at gunpoint, either way this is not what we are discussing here.
I am talking greed, plain and simple take what you can get, fuck all others, greed.
You see, what I didn't know, nor the other potentially innocent members of my family, was that while we were visiting my grandmother in the hospital... Somone else in the family went through her home and cleared out all valuables that they could get their hands on.
Gold, silver, 60 year old Waterford Crystal, vintage furnature and appliances, hand carved ivory, family heirlooms 100's of years old, hummels, dishes, jewelry, & 100's of silver dollars that dated back to the turn of the century..
All gone, and while she was still alive and entering hopice care.
This person coldly and calsulatedly planned their attack at a point that they knew she would never be comming home, and would never miss anything.
This was not a travesty... This was a rape... There were only two people who were not mentioned in her will, so there is no proving anything. The perpetrator of this singlehandedly null and voided the will as anything she had to pass on is now gone...
So yes, I am disgusted with humanity at the moment, but frankly can I say I am surprised? That my whole peaches and creame outlook upon things has been now somehow tarnished by self serving hoodlums that forgot to give the family a reach around as they pulled their dick out of our communal puckered holes?
I am sorry, have we met?
In other news though, with a modicum of anger upon my mind, I had my self a visitor to my home this weekend, aged 22 years, with a hair trigger and a fast reload...
The aformentioned frat paddle saw a lot of use, and the boy kept firing until all he could do was whine and talk to himself...
The video that shall come of this shall be called "The 9th cumming of Klaus" and will be the loftiest effort I have put out so far as it appears that it shall clock in between 60 - 90 minutes.
This shall be my first attempt at a feature length video. The 10 total scenes shall be broken up by chapter headings, and I looks like it is going to turn out well.
While editing this vid though, I began thinking. Although the temptation is there, considering the length of the film, to go down the route that others have...
I think The Flying Lizards said it best... Or worst... Well at leist most painfully: "Money, that's what I want"...
It's funny to my to think about how truly fucked up our sex laws in this country are. If I was to have a boy over for play, and he paid me 500.00... Well that's prostitution. Whereas if I film that scene and sell the footage to make the same 500.00 that's legal.
As long as you cum vicariously, you are allowed to be charged for it.
And they say I am twisted...
No, the Asylum films have been, and shall always be free.
It's hard to be a self proclaimed egotistical jackass if no one wants to pay to see your DVD... Then your just a sad broke jackass...
The greatest enemy to a god complex is an ice cold dose of reality...
All right Mr. De Mille, I am ready for my closeup!
You didn't realize that they made turbins out of latex did you?
With That, Visiting Time Is Over. What Ever You Do Don't Scream Too Loud As Others Are Trying To Sleep.