My Fellow Inmates,
After 2 months off, Asylum has his first new video...
The footage was actually taken at our August party where Rottie helped us out with so much he deserved a nice reward for all his help. We had never played hard and deep before this point, we were still exploring at that time.
At the point this video was shot the dog was still unable to cum by my hand... we have since fixed that, but as you can see towards the end I allowed him a paw, and just as he got close I took it back...
Wait a second... Was that Asylumcat's voice that bled through the static at the start of the video... Oh, god no... I am starting to lose control of the Personas...
I hope you enjoy :)
With That, Visiting Time Is Over.
What Ever You Do Don't Scream Too Loud As Others Are Trying To Sleep.